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For more than 30 years I follow my own path between all existing concrete art. My work is appreciated by many and I found my place in the world of contemporary Dutch art.

The visual language I use, is based upon the constructive elements LINE, POINT, PLANE. The palette is restricted to basic colors: red, blue, yellow and the non colors white and black. Numerical ratios are an issue, but pure mathematical order not. Horizontality and verticality matter, just as concepts as repetition, connection, translocation and congruence. Apart from all thoughtfull deliberation, there is also room for intuition and playfullness.

In my artistic work I feel connected to the concept of constructivism, just as to minimalism and zero art. A lot of appreciation goes to the oeuvres of Robert Ryman, Agnes Martin, Donald Judd and
the Dutch heroes of concrete art Jan Schoonhoven, Ad Dekkers and Bob Bonies.

My motto is: ‘Art is to reduce the accumulation to the basics’.